مقالات منوعة جديدة

بحث حول التلوث بالانجليزية , اضرار خطيره يسببها الانسان

بحث حول التلوث بالانجليزية - اضرار خطيره يسببها الانسان F8680B9404Ea463Fd22Ef20Bae1E846A

بحث حول التلوث بالانجليزية , أضرار خطيره يسببها الإنسان

بحث حول التلوث بالانجليزية - اضرار خطيره يسببها الانسان F8680B9404Ea463Fd22Ef20Bae1E846A

بحث حول مشكله التلوث ياللغه الانجليزية


We all create pollution therefore everyone can make a difference to reduce pollution. Although it
may seem like it is difficult to stop pollution, there are lots of things that
can be done every day to reduce or eliminate pollution altogether
?What is Pollution

بحث حول التلوث بالانجليزية - اضرار خطيره يسببها الانسان 20160719 1602

ما هو التلوث؟

,Every day we pour or release harmful substances such as poisonous gases

chemicals and garbage into our environment. These harmful substances that
end up damaging the environment, are called pollution. Most pollution
comes from factories and transportation but as you will see we all
.contribute to it in many different ways

بحث حول التلوث بالانجليزية - اضرار خطيره يسببها الانسان 20160719 1603

All pollution is waste. Waste is unwanted or discarded material and when

it is released into the environment it becomes pollution. When most
people think of waste they think of garbage or trash that is littered all
over the land. This type of waste is the one that most people are
familiar with and it is commonly called solid waste. But solid waste
pollution is not the only type of pollution out there. Can you think of
?other types

بحث حول التلوث بالانجليزية - اضرار خطيره يسببها الانسان 20160719 1604

In addition to solid waste there is air pollution, water pollution, soil

pollution and even noise pollution. As you will see, if not handled
properly, pollution can and has contaminated our air, water, soil and


  • بحث حول التلوث بالانجليزية
  • بحث بالانجليزية حول التلوث
  • بحث حول التلوث بالاتجليزية
  • مقدمة Introduction We all create pollution therefore everyone can make a difference to reduce pollution Although it may seem like it is difficult to stop pollution there are lots of things that can be done every day to reduce or eliminate pollution altoge
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